
Education, FASEA

FASEA adds to list of approved courses

FASEA approved courses

The list of approved courses continue to grow as Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority adds two qualifications.

The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) has, for the first time this year, added two new education providers and the relevant courses they offer to its list of approved qualifications for advisers.

The Authority stated it had approved any bachelor degree with a major in financial services offered by Southern Cross University commencing March 2021, and the Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning offered by the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) commencing May 2021.

FASEA also approved three bridging courses offered by AIM from second semester 2021 – Financial Advice Regulatory and Legal Obligations, Ethics for Professional Advisers and Behavioural Finance.

It added the approval of the courses is recognition of their alignment with FASEA’s required curriculum and standards and advisers who complete these courses of study will meet the required education standard.

FASEA chief executive Stephen Glenfield said: “The approval of these additional courses builds on the body of courses approved by FASEA and provides additional choice to advisers seeking to meet the education standard”.

The approved courses will be added to a future Degree, Qualifications and Courses legislative instrument but a full list of approved degrees, bridging courses and graduate diplomas is available on the Authority’s website.

These courses are the first approved by FASEA in 2021 with the last round of course approvals taking place in late December last year.

Since 2017, FASEA has approved 78 historical courses, 66 current bachelor or higher degrees and 36 bridging courses which meet required curriculum standards.

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