
Business News

Class adds portfolio insights

The latest integration by Class will allow investors, particularly SMSFs, to make better-informed decisions through online platform and mobile app Simply Wall St’s institutional quality market research.

Class clients will be able to leverage the new integration to manage and review their portfolios on a global basis, with the app providing users with a comprehensive suite of client-focused infographics that clearly explains the key metrics of their own portfolios at an aggregate portfolio and/or a specific holding level.

The Simply Wall St platform runs in-depth analysis on over 15,000 individual stocks in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as over 30,000 individual investment portfolios, quickly identifying underlying strengths and weaknesses.

“This new solution delivers a unique combination of Class’s market-leading portfolio and accounting reporting solutions for all entity types, with Simply Wall St’s innovative global portfolio visualisation capabilities, for both advised and unadvised clients,” Class chief executive Kevin Bungard noted.

“Simply Wall St is another great example of innovation in the wealth management space and we’re excited to be part of this new integration.”

Simply Wall St chief executive and founder Al Bentley added partnering with Class was a massive step for the start-up.

“[Our company] was built out of the founders’ frustration with the current retail investing experience,” Bentley said.

“Many SMSF investors face the same difficulties, so I’m excited we will now be able to help this group of people via Class.”

Sydney-based Simply Wall St was founded in 2014 and is used by over 50,000 investors worldwide.

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